The cold turns my fingers red
The tip of my nose turns frigid
I put on heavy socks, shoes with grippers
and I seek out warmer and warmer gloves
I seek fleece lined pants without success
It is the time of year when long books
aren't quite long enough, when I start
projects to last the winter-- and compile
lists of the coldest spot on the planet,
the height of the Tower of Babel before
God thought it a poor idea, how many
angels really did stand on the head of a pin
It is the time of year I begin to collect recipes,
listen to a cooking show, buy new spices
and continue to cook the same recipes
But now as winter gets a foothold
I must acquire a long term winter project--
Perhaps I shall illustrate the Bible
or write a sestina every day
or only read books that are over 700 pages
or read a book day--that's been done
I think I'll stick with my illustrations
and an occasional sestina