Monday, April 30, 2018

Time Gone

She never said good bye
nor wrote a letter 
No explanations
She closed the door,
never looking back
Years went by
Silence choked time
and she let some words
in through an open crack—
then closed the door again
saying time has passed,
we no longer know one another

April Poem a Day
Prompt: closing time

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Open and Affirming Sunday

What did you think 
when voices in unison
intoned their acceptance of you
and others like you— did
you wonder why they needed a vote,
a document stating you are worthy
of being in their sanctuary,
of bending a knee, of breaking bread
Do you think it odd that year after year 
they applaud themselves

Someday, I thought, the sign
on the door will state: welcome
everyone — this is God’s house
and all are welcome to pray,
to bend a knee, to share the sacraments 
We are God’s diversity, 
a patchwork quilt, a lush landscape.

April Poem a Day
Prompt: a response poem

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Future Wave

An ocean wave moves
across an open field of water
Shell pieces swirl in white foam
and sea glass tumbles—sharp
edges burnished by salt
In the distance a wave forms, 
gathers water and kelp —
and moves toward dry land,
then retreats and leaves a
calligraphy reminder

April Poem a Day 
Prompt: ———-wave for title

Friday, April 27, 2018

In medias res

It all begins once upon a time
and then she picks up a tea cup,
tells him it’s all over, she’s leaving
He asks if she’s open to think it over, but
her mind is made up and she quotes 
a line she once read, “ I left a long
time ago, but you never noticed.”
That’s a good final line and the author
adds a period leaving a reader to wonder
what she will do, where she’ll go and if
the author will write a sequel. 

April  Poem a Day

Prompt: write a short story as a poem

Thursday, April 26, 2018


it’s what you got
when things look askew
or when someone needs prayer
you can’t buy faith
or borrow someone else’s belief
and no one gives it to you
Some folks say rest in faith
as if it is a soft pillow you own
It isn’t easy because it might
be tested and retested
Are you open to uncertainty
Some folks hold on even 
when it seems like no one’s there
to listen or even care
But other folks know that the
listening and caring comes
in that talk you had or the person
who just arrived at the right time
And then you got to ask—faith
in what or faith in whom—
Someone once told me that you step
out in faith and see if it holds

April Poem a Day
Prompt: title with a word that’s often used

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Being Open

She had the swagger
and spare words  to match her walk
Love is love, she said

April Poem a Day
Prompt: use a form for Poem:  Haiku

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

British Wave

The queen mother raises 
one hand and moves it
back and forth
This greeting is royal,
elegant in simplicity,
effortless and open,
a trademark greeting
from the queen

April  Poem a Day
Prompt: write an anti-form poem

Monday, April 23, 2018

Spring Golf

Perhaps today I will hit with authority 
 I shouldn’t miss the ball,
 club flaying the air
This dimpled ball needs to fly 
Over time 
I have tried different brands
I have tried different colors 
I try to be humble, move along, be pleasant 
in the face of adversity, chat, celebrate 
the par of another while wondering about
my own score or number of pars
So under this spring sun
may the new season open with cards
filled with scores of pars

April Poem  Day
Prompt: action

Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Philodendron

It’s thirty-five years old,
survived three or four new pots,
times of severe haircuts, 
even seasons of drought when left alone 
My mother gave me the plant
in a four inch pot when I first
moved into my own place
Every home she said needs green
Just snip it back if it gets stringy
and let it have both sun and shade
The pot is now quite large
and the plant is thick with leaves
My mother is no longer here
My children are grown 
And still the plant remains—
flourishes with a bit of care
She told me that it only
needed a bit of space, water, sun
and some kind words and love to grow 

April Poem a Day
Prompt: plant in title

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Lovers Be Aware

Be careful of love that meets
outside drawn boundaries, love
that doesn’t match up to some
expectation— sometimes there will be
words, other times they will try and stop
you from loving or make you invisible—
they might demonize you or invoke a deity
to proclaim you as a sinner in the need of
redemption—yet if you persist you will find those
who celebrate lovers and love, who remove
impediments, knock open holes in walls and replace
the language of hate with the words of love

April Poem a Day
Prompt: Danger  Poem

Friday, April 20, 2018

First Lover

We met in a thin open space
where a breeze moved grass
reeds and pulled music from
each cluster of green
I closed my eyes and engraved
each moment in my memory
—-  waiting for viewing

April Poem a Day

Prompt: take a line from your poem and use it as a first line

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Threading Instruction

my mother owned two thimbles 
unadorned metal coverings
for the times she mended my
father’s socks or shortened
the sleeves of his long sleeved
white shirts or sewed clothes
copied from magazines or off the
racks of high end stores 
she taught me how to hem,
use an open running stitch—
and how to thread a needle— 
first she wound the thread around
her finger and tugged until it
cut loose from the spool
then she moistened one end in her mouth
until all the stray ends came together 
she twisted the damp end until it formed a point
and picked up a needle and threaded it
through the slit on the first try—
only then did she warn me to never
sew a hem on someone wearing the garment,
“It will,” she said, “ make you simple-minded.”
my grandmother had warned my mother 
and she passed it on, ridding herself
of those words, of the warning—
now it belonged to me

April Poem a Day 
Prompt: use thread in the title of your poem 

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Bakery

trays of elephant ears, berry muffins,
fruit filled hamantaschen, walnut
brownies, peanut butter cookies,
and powdered blueberry scones
waited on the top shelf 
my vow to turn away from extra
sugar underwent testing
i envisioned ballooning up, tottering
beneath a calorie laden cloud, my 
pants tearing apart at the seams,
my arms and legs swelling into
watermelon appendages, a moon-face
with swollen cheeks and a slash 
for a mouth, eyes hidden beneath
swelling flesh, a scale that crumbled
beneath my girth, pants sewn out of
burlap bags, and i watched myself 
wobble and waddle down a street—
i fiddled with money in my wallet,
imagined a plate filled with items
from the top shelf, honed down my 
plate and visualized biting into one
sugar filled delicacy—letting 
sweetness explode in my open mouth,
linger on my tongue—
with the last ounce of control i 
turned away from paradise 
and ordered a large decaf assam tea
—no sugar and no room for milk

April Poem a Day
Prompt: Temptation Poem

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

In Time Another Time

before we wandered into an empty landscape
where our muted voices circled for years
we met in a thin open space where we could
find common ground and grind away burrs—
you sat on a hard back chair, waiting, silent,
and ingrown as if you understood the fullness
of stone, you were entombed in marble—
impenetrable, waiting to see a drama unfold, 
acting as both participant and onlooker,
child and barely edging into the time 
just beyond— now i see you—a high wire 
artist on that boundary, i carried a balance pole—
what did i say that altered the center of gravity,
you fell off and walked away
it took years for me to plumb the depths
of what I meant to say 

April Poem A Day 
Prompt: “ What I meant to say” poem

Monday, April 16, 2018

My Delight

It’s an addiction 
Can’t stay away
can't cut back
can’t back away
No open resistance
Can’t keep
yearning at bay
Dream of, talk of
Sing of
Mint Patty
frozen yogurt 

April Poem A  Day

Prompt: favorite

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Artist with a Brush

I am a paintbrush
brightening my world with color
I use my handle to scrape away
the grit and grey of cities and
color interior spaces
with clean sheets of paint
I  paint tree trunks purple and 
leaves fluorescent pink
I sprout feet and dance
in an open paintbox 
turning into a whirling 
dervish of color
As I spin I fling my colors
out into the world 

April  Poem A Day
Prompt:Write a metaphor poem 

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Middle School

Report to the office immediately
We found graffiti in an open bathroom stall
scribbled with bubble letters you draw so well
We discovered chewing gum under your desk
We found your initials carved into a desk
and underlining in your mathematics textbook
All is in must report to the office
Something must be done

April Poem A Day
Prompt: A Report Poem

Friday, April 13, 2018

Open A Mirror for a Praying Mantis

The praying mantis genuflected 
and laid bare his soul
His knees creaked and cracked
 while he bemoaned
snake and spider attack’s
Beneath his devoted pose
a carnivore’s heart
a predator’s cunning

April Poem a Day
Prompt: an insect

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Are you Guilty or Innocent ?

Who is guilty, who is innocent 
Who can claim innocence 
when the world burns, embers
ignited again and again by friction
between brothers, by words 
that chafe and open up fissures
between nations, between 
the right hand and the left hand
Who is innocent
— the one sees beneath the tatters
—the one who creates a mosaic out of shards

April Poem A Day
Prompt: A guilty poem

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Don’t skate on thin ice
nor take a position that is slippery
Don’t put pansies outside 
when the weather is fickle
Don’t argue with someone
who digs in and can’t listen
Don’t forget to look beneath
a hard exterior to find the why
Don’t stay with something
as if stuck when it’s best
to dust the dirt off your feet
Don’t forget to remain open
to each moment, every second—
once it passes by it’s gone 
Don’t say if I only spoke, did,
returned, turned around, touched
Perhaps a time will come when
you’ll be given another chance—
and can say
I spoke up
I made a place for you
I returned to where it began
I turned around and listened
I enveloped you in my arms
Perhaps another time— another chance

April Poem a Day
Prompt: a warning poem