And When You Get Old
“It is the Leviathan of Memory”
—Ruby Namdar
she said “ we are making memories” so when you grow up you can bring them out and recall the past even the time the smoke alarm went off because the grease in the oven which i didn’t scrub off started to burn and the fifteen pound turkey had burnt wings which is a thanksgiving memory and that was before the ovens cleaned themselves and you didn’t need to spend hours scrubbing away any burnt on grease but in those days you also boiled water to put in the freezer to melt the ice which choked up the space in a small freezer that never kept ice cream solid yet colder than my mother’s refrigerator where cookies were stored on the bottom shelf and cereal kept in tin cans because in an apartment in the city you didn’t take chances on an infestation of insects or roaches and I recall once drop kicking a roach in the hallway of a cambridge apartment building