Friday, August 03, 2007

A Thin Line

Don’t drown in nostalgia. I think it can be incapacitating. Roget’s Thesaurus lists maudlin, mawkish, cloying as related words—whereas memory brings to mind remembrance, remembering, review of things past.

There’s a thin line between nostalgia and memory—one can mire one down and the other provides a satchel full of diary markings.

I think it’s easier for people to tell their tales from the repository of their memory. One needs to keep their plate full—to dream and to plan on how to actualize their dreams. Don’t think in terms of limitations, of boundaries.

“We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Thursday, August 02, 2007


I love the patterns , the lines, the barnacles, the melding together to form a unity or design.

To See

Maine is the repository of rocks—rocks for walking on, sitting, collecting, marveling at and pondering. Whenever I’m in Maine I find myself looking with a discerning eye at the natural landscape. I find a polypore with contour lines reminiscent of a Picasso line drawing. And then I discover patterns everywhere. Suppose, I could maintain that concentrated way of seeing—not only the natural landscape, but also the mind’s geography? Suppose, I could attend to my myriad topics of interest with the same depth of seeing —