Wednesday, May 25, 2005

On Speaking on the Street Corner

The BostonGlobe warns about self-indulgence when writing a blog. It also notes the infiltration of the big players. Does the New York Times really need a blog, “that promotes a give-and-take with readers while satisfying the standards of our journalism.” Do we really need the Times to tell us how to communicate with each other? Will we need to drag out the Chicago Manual of Style?

This is a chance to sit around the pot bellied stove, or stand on a box in Hyde Park, or gossip over crumpets, or attend a quilting bee and share the bits and pieces of town lore. Once, eons ago, I heard Lenny Bruce, or I think it was Lenny Bruce, evoke the passion of his listeners. He stood on a street corner in Greenwich Village and spoke about language. Some folks emphatically denounced his language as bordering on vulgarity or simply lewd, over the edge, while others applauded his pushing the envelope. I was too young to enter the discussion. Now I’d say, “Can’t you find other words?” “I see, sometimes only those words will do.”

Two weeks ago a street preacher in Cambridge proclaimed everlasting damnation for anyone who had not been saved. His fluorescent colored sign promising salvation for all who believed. A young man stopped and took a tract, another walked away. No one screamed at the man—they just kept going.

Now this is a street corner. Blogs intersect. Some voices provoke outrage; some voices demand the reader to reassess, to give more thought, to challenge the ‘way things are done’.

What standards do the Times want to promote? Can’t we all speak with, to, one another. I like when the Globe editorial refers to the blogs as a funky neighborhood. We need to be careful about succumbing to the glamour of the established voices.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Lotus Blossom

Lotus Blossom
Originally uploaded by BronxLinda.
Last year I finally took some interest in gardening. Everything is thriving. I'm ready to spread my wings. Perhaps the lotus isn't appropriate.

Meditation and Dialogue

Listening intently is akin to meditating. It requires suspending judgment and being present for the dialogue. I like the idea of taking a breath before responding—responding and not reacting. Because people of different points of view enter into a conversation it doesn't mean that opinions will change, but what might change is an awareness of the other and the possibility of some movement.

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Flowers at DeCordova Museum

DeCordova Museum
Originally uploaded by BronxLinda.
Spring remains deceptive, but I know that soon I'll be pining for cool days.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

On Not being an Athlete

After eight years of wielding a golf club, I finally feel as if I'm making some progress. My score doesn't reflect this, but I am not banging the ball, digging craters in the bunkers, and whiffing. Yes, tomorrow I'll be starting another set of golf lessons with the hope of consistency.

The Prairie

I first read Willa Cather in high school and recall finding the descriptions of the prairie deadening. How did the sea of grass hold a candle to New York City—to the village, to a bohemian lifestyle? Now I return to read Cather's descriptions. With a few words she creates the movement of the grass, the sparseness, the endless view, the sounds. Now I want to visit Nebraska, stand and listen to the sea of grass. I’m not sure where I’ll stay or what I’ll do after I listen to the grass.


It all seemed so simple. Check several boxes. Write down your thoughts and you're off and running. But my ineptness with the world of high tech got in the way.Where is my blog? Why does it say that my url is not available?

Take it one step at a time.