Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Book Discussion

What does it mean?
 Is that a metaphor?
Do we suspend disbelief? 
How about the ending— 
did it work?
 Did the author earn the ending? 
Dig deep.
The author does not
tell you where they
started out, their home.
The geography
of place
does not need a name.
I am from six trees
surrounded by cement,
from fire escapes
and subway cars
where the smell of sweat
can’t be hidden on hot days
I am from knowing how
to fold the newspaper
from a butcher shop
with sawdust on the floor
I am from the candy store
that sold the Yiddish paper
and a grandmother who cut
out stories and saved them
in a box in her closet
I am from three rooms
and windows with chains
I am from study hard
and read books
from different shelves 
in the library.


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