#BogElul 2018 Day 5 Commit
Commit, such an intriguing word. To perpetrate — as a deed that has negative implications. To be committed—the individual losing the ability to make a decision regarding their mental capacity. On the opposite end of the spectrum the word commit infers dedication to something or someone or some activity.
To commit might also infer to consecrate or to devote. Some spiritually minded people commit their lives to a religious order. Some peoples commit their lives to God and try and live always aware of what that means in the everyday world.
During this Elul season what does commit mean to me? It means reading the Bible— studying the weekly portion, reading commentary, and being open to what I’m reading.
But there’s more than sticking your head in a book — even when it is the Bible. I’ve tried to learn Biblical Hebrew, but never stuck with it—learning languages isn’t my strong suit. But I bought a book, flash cards, and two other items for self-learners.
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