Thursday, August 16, 2018

#BlogElul 2018 Day 6 Want

Want— just a four letter word with expansive arms. Want includes everything until it’s trimmed down and the word need comes into play. Despite that we may still want things we don’t need and we want things that may be out of our grasp. 

Some of our wants may require years to attain and some will be thwarted by unexpected roadblocks. How many prayers seem to be ignored ? Who has not asked for a miracle? Who has not wondered if their prayers hit a ceiling? Who has  had a prayer answered, but with a different response?

And how about those who want an eraser to eradicate words said, actions taken, missteps— and the person is no longer alive or we have lost touch. Write an unsent letter. Visualize the other person opening up the letter. 

Then there are the people who will not acknowledge your words. I’ve sent letters and don’t expect a response— but that doesn’t mean I don’t want a response. You never know when those words will be important to the recipient of the letter. 

Something I’ve noted when reading scripture : The Words I read may provide an answer to a want—voiced or unvoiced or  I may find myself  in one of the stories. 


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