Monday, July 23, 2018

Still Hangin’ In

I just read an article about the Brooklyn Seltzer Boys —“NYC’s Only Remaining Siphon-Seltzer Factory”. If you’ve never tasted seltzer— or if you prefer the name sparkling water— from a glass siphon-seltzer bottle you can’t understand why aficionados pine for the real thing.

The Brooklyn Seltzer Boys still deliver bottles—but there’s a four week wait to become a customer. Maybe we’re witnessing a revival. May they remain open and experience this resurgence.

When I grew up in the Bronx the seltzer truck came once a week and the delivery man carried heavy wood cases filled with seltzer bottles into apartment buildings. These were , and still are, heavy glass bottles filled with 26 ounces of pure heaven.

According to the Brooklyn Seltzer Boys, good seltzer has a bite in the back of your throat.

 I don’t recall the bite, but I remember creating egg creams with seltzer, Fox-Bet  chocolate syrup, and milk. No egg in an egg cream soda.


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