Thursday, July 26, 2018

Another Path

I don’t want to be a Pollyanna, but after discovering that pieces I wrote are missing and thinking about how to plug the forty holes I am on a different track. Instead of spending time looking for the missing Open writings or attempting to re-write forty posts or seeking old poems that never appeared on my blog and posting those in the holes— I am wandering down a different road.

This is probably a message— move onto that story you keep talking about writing. Be open to new horizons. It isn’t as if I  have a contract for a book, or  thousands of followers. And admit it…sometimes you really need to twist and pull in order to accommodate the word open.

So be open to moving on. This doesn’t mean I won’t blog, but I will only use the word open if it fits. And now to write that story that’s been on the proverbial back burner.

And..I went back to previous years and there are gaps everywhere. I know what happened. Several months ago something went on my laptop. When I brought it in to Apple I remember being told that some things might be lost, “ Is everything backed up?” I thought I had checked all the possible  boxes for iCloud storage— but I never checked documents nor photos. But the photos I want to absolutely keep I store on an external hard drive.


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