It’s time to look around and check for anything winter rubbed up against—
the evergreen that carried too much snow and bent forward, the chairs that need washing down before you sit down, a hose that must spread itself out from the winter coil, and the remaining fall leaves once buried under snow and released in spring
the evergreen that carried too much snow and bent forward, the chairs that need washing down before you sit down, a hose that must spread itself out from the winter coil, and the remaining fall leaves once buried under snow and released in spring
I stand and look around— the metal peacock takes her place next to a large painted fish on a metal pole, a painted frog takes his place at the corner of the brick patio, a whirligig stayed outside all winter— how else could we measure snow amount and the wind’s breath
This year a metal tree of life hangs on the white fence
Tomorrow I will pluck the weeds and sit in the sun
I will open my sketchbook , take up a pen and sketch the tulips
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