Thursday, April 05, 2018

Be Open to Difference

Suppose he knew the capitals of every state
and twenty or thirty countries
And what if he named all the presidents 
in order as well as their vice- presidents—
then rattled off  constitutional amendments
as well as their dates —then what
He plays One-Pocket pool 
Sings off key
Collects rusted hubcaps and scours
streets for the treasures he fashions out of discards
Yet he doesn’t know how to talk to people,
answers questions with yes or no,
evades looking at anyone and can’t seem
to understand a joke
He spends his days learning new words,
arcane words— and hands them to an editor 
who thanks him and asks him to find references 
At the end of the day he returns home 
careful not to step on cracks.

April Poem a Day 
Prompt: Intelligence


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