Friday, March 30, 2018

The Confluence

Because deciding between a Good Friday service
and a first night Seder was too hard 
I went out for dinner with friends
Because I recall my grandparent’s Seder 
and the Manischwitz stained Haggadahs, 
pouring a drop of wine for each plague,
where all the children asked the Four Questions,
and my cousin Bobby who died too early
always found the matzah
I missed the celebration and the story
Because I agreed to host a small Seder 
the second night  I would celebrate
Easter Sunday at church
Because I remember a sunrise service
in West Virginia with a mountain background
Because I still hear the voices echoing
around and over mountain peaks
I will celebrate this Sunday
and cook someone’s mother’s brisket
for our small Seder Saturday 
We will read a shortened Haggadah 
and think of ourselves as being there 
It is our story to tell and retell,
to ask what narrow place we need
to move through this year
We will eat Matzah with horseradish
and drink sparkling white grape juice
We will recite the plagues of today
Then on Sunday I will add 
another celebration and remember how
Jesus once celebrated the story
of the Exodus from Egypt 


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