Idle Thoughts
My team lost by two points. My diet seems doomed by snacks—chocolate candies in particular. Another significant snow storm heads this way possibly bringing twelve or more inches of snow. Scones were sold out— even the ones I wouldn’t buy. The library consortium doesn’t carry the book I’m seeking. Why didn’t Lot’s wife keep her eyes straight ahead?
Why is it so hard to take advantage of open openings? The word or phrase that begins a conversation needs a responding word, a touch needs a reply.
Questions don’t always have answers, but it’s necessary to keep asking. Why didn’t my team score that last Hail Mary basket? Why didn’t I buy those chocolate covered pieces of ginger? Why didn’t I go earlier to purchase a scone? Why don’t I take out a different book? Why don’t I write a midrash to answer the question about Lot’s wife?
Why don’t we recognize the open opening as grace? Pass it up, turn it down, refuse to see it— and the lack of sight may haunt you.
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