Thursday, June 08, 2017

A Brief Note

I just have a few minutes
Shall I tell you about the weather 
of how my plants all suffer from wet feet
because of days of rain
Or perhaps I will share a new recipe
for ratatouille with Indian spices
which I can't make because I am
lacking key ingredients 
Perhaps I'll use the time
to tell you about the library books on my shelf
I'm ready to begin reading a murder mystery
that promises to raise the hairs on my neck
Which reminds me to tell you that
I found the rose colored cloth napkin
we lost two Thanksgivings ago
when you visited with your family
and we all had to eat some  kale salad
because we wanted to create a healthy dish
and then I froze the leftovers in two
half gallon bags which I recently
threw out because I needed the room
to freeze more healthy leftovers
A brief note I s really too short a space 
 to share my new pursuit--
needlepointing cushions for all my chairs
I know that sounds old fashioned
and something from our grandmother's era
but I'm creating splashy flowers in bold colors
I may have overstayed my time
but I've always been loquacious 
or as my third grade teacher told my mother,
" She's a chatterbox."


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