Thursday, April 13, 2017

And I'm an Armchair Traveler

My son wears tattoos
as fashion, as art emblems
as a way to fuse an ancient art
with contemporary time
Indonesian artists tapped
out designs cast
in the soul of the islands
on his arms and ankles
My son accepts Buddhist teachings
and wears a Tibetan Dzi bead
on a woven necklace
He will pray in public
for peace, for social justice
My son supports the women
of the Ndebele tribe who weave
hats of metal wire to sell
and purchase medicine
He buys and sells art
and collects the indigenous
art of Maori artists
and of outsider artists
My son and his wife
have a multi- hued family,
Elijah,an African-American child
Zara, whose mother was Mexican
and father was a plains Indian
Phuntsho, who is from Bhutan
and two biological children,
Jordan and Noah
They lived in Colorado
and Israel, New Zealand, and Thailand
They trekked the foothills
of Mt Everest, cycled in Indonesia,
visited India's rural areas, hiked
in China, ran in jungle areas,
and filled their passports
with stamps from places
I read about in National Geographic

April PAD Challenge
Write a family poem


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