Sunday, January 01, 2017

So This is 2017

So this is 2017,
the first day, the day to create a list
of what to change  and what to do
No more sugar, perhaps just a bit
No wheat, perhaps a few slices of bread
Complete a drawing a day, maybe
taking the Lord's Day off
Partaking in challenges,
Following PhotoBlog's prompts
for photo a day challenge
and posting every day
Maybe not being tethered
to the prompt
Partaking in a year long
online art course
with a prompt a day
Perhaps breathing
Then reading through
the Bible, perhaps
skipping Proverbs
because I find most
too didactic and cause
me to say stop preaching
Continue on with full page
illustrations in my Bible
allowing myself to skip
those parts that list
begat after begat
And then there are
reading challenges
in my spare time
Add to that a reminder
to be spontaneous


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