Saturday, October 29, 2016

What Shall it Be

Winter means snow shovels, heavy gloves, boots, flannel shirts, and a collection of winter activities besides the usual snow sports. This is the time of year I delve into a reading plan. One year I read twenty-six books alphabetically by the author's last name. Another year I joined a reading challenge that sent me on odd hunts for arcane books. I've read books from twenty different countries for another challenge. One winter I succumbed to Nordic mysteries during the coldest part of winter.

I usually do some sort of online art class-- text and watercolor, a romp through the alphabet drawing animals for each letter as well as investigating the artist's whose last name begins with the letter of the week, and one winter I spent hours creating mixed media collages.

So as November nears I've eliminated the 50,000 word novel for the month-- done that, own a certificate. This is the time to make a careful determination of what I'll determine is just right for the winter.


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