Parsha V'Zot HaBerachah
The Lord said to him,
This is the land of which I swore
to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob,
saying,'I will give it to your descendants;
I have let you see it with your eyes,
but you shall not cross over there.'
Deuteronomy 34:5
Imagine traveling for years
never staying in one place
long enough to stake a claim,
to plant a field and watch a
crop come up year after year
Imagine the dry emptiness
of always being on the move
of moving on a promise
of a land to call your own
of listening to complaints
because this pulling up and moving
wears on a people
Imagine urging them on,
carrying their tears, their laments
and then you will only look
at the land, but not cross over
only their children will move
to this land-- this promised place
Just imagine
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