A Marathon
How did this happen? Not only did winter make a surprise visit, but I forgot that April is National Poetry Month. That means that I read Robert Brewer's prompts and write a poem a day using his prompt. So I'll need to play catch up.Perhaps I can blame my tardiness on the inverted weather. So I'll engage in a marathon.
April 1st Prompt 1 -- write a foolish poem
a two toed sloth grew tired
of hanging upside down
and wished for wings
while a red winged blackbird
tired of flitting about
hoped to acquire fins
and goggles
they met in a thrift store
the two toed sloth wore
a pink harness and wings
from a Christmas pageant
The red winged blackbird
wore goggles and fins
The sloth climbed to a rafter,
jumped and fell
The red winged blackbird
jumped into the water
disturbed the goldfish
and began to choke
They sat down next to each
other and bemoaned
and groaned their fate
until the sloth told
the blackbird she was
beautiful and she told the
the sloth he was so agile
April 2nd. Prompt 2. Write a he said, she said poem
He said, "I want a corned beef sandwich."
She said, " I prefer a salad with a bit of tuna."
He said, " I like action movies."
She said, " I prefer a drama."
He said, " This won't work."
She said, " I never thought it would."
He thought her boring
She thought him dull
She took out a book and read
He watched a hockey game
April 3rd Prompt 3 Start with the word three and add a word or a phrase and write a poem
Three ways to Write a Poem
find cerebral images
and weave them into
deep and ponderous
statements about life
sit in the laundromat
and listen to people
talking to one another
write down their words
experience heartache
and plumb the depths
of your being for your
deep heartfelt feelings
Now to today-- April 4th. Write a distance
the distance between here and there
is measured in years, in time,
in seasons, the change of calendars,
the gray hairs, the wrinkles,
how many years did spring arrive
how many words were buried
will this distance last until time
is no longer measured
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