Thursday, March 24, 2016

Day 44 Lent

Remembering Another Maundy Thursday

Fifty years ago, five decades, that's half a century ago
on a Maundy Thursday I sat in a church parlor
answering questions about belief, about doctrine
A woman stood and signed the same questions
for a young woman who couldn't hear
She responded with her fingers and hands
I heard my heart beat and tasted the dryness
We read our testimony in the sanctuary
She read first--We didn't need the translation,
her fingers and face told the story of her faith
Two pews filled with friends and family
witnessed her baptisim
I read next and spoke about my journey to this place,
one  friend acted as my witness,
the one who was more than a friend, who encouraged me
who prayed with me, who walked with me on this path
After the baptism the minister said
 he felt the Holy Spirit's presence-- another witness


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