Saturday, January 02, 2016

Day Two of Thirty Day Journal Challenge

The prompt asks the question and I respond. " My creative flames are fanned by..."

Does it sound simplistic when I state that I'm off and running when someone posts a challenge/-sketching, reading books in a certain order, books about specific topics. I am drawn to, lured by the challenge to learn perspective drawing or writing form poetry. The trick is to sustain the flame and move beyond the flame.

So who inspires me? All those intrepid souls who set off on out of the ordinary endeavors. Pushing boundaries. I especially enjoy it when, in the midst of rowing the Atlantic or engaged in some other dangerous task, they keep you posted. I have endured the bites of insects and snakes as well as suffered through heat and frozen in the cold. I've been dehydrated and close to frostbite on all my toes. And I've had these experiences through books.


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