Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Day 12. Thirty-Day Challenge

The difficulty that accompanies you is less like the dark than a trusted lantern to see your way by.”

― Eudora Welty

Difficulty comes in many guises. For me it's tangling with a garage. For some folks, at least those used to having a garage, backing out and entering are simple maneuvers.

Each time I enter or leave the garage I insist on having someone lure me in or lure me out. The person who has this unenviable occupation looks like she is guiding in a huge jet.

And I'm never certain that the door is really going to follow its appointed path.

But my real difficulty is one of navigation. And my trusted lantern is that person who stands there encouraging me to enter and occasionally signals me to the left or right.

Tonight she asked, " How much longer will you need a guide?" I want to say, " Forever".


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