lIfe doesn't hand OuT rOad mAps
TheRe are hAirpin tUrns
WHiTe oUts, bLind sPots
BliNding lights
YOu got to KEep waLking
PAss Go
I KNew SomEone aFflicted wIth eRased
Places wHere she OnCe thOught sHe
knEw wHAt weNt in tHat pLaCe
ONLy sHe foUnd hErSelf in an ArroYo
WiTh wAter raging, dragGing heR aLong
I shouTed
KEep walKing
The Lord gOnna keeP you drY
The LOrd gOnna wAlk with You
You goNna wAlk riGht thRough that wAter
MIght not SeeM liKe it
JUsT hold oUt your hAnd
LOrd goNna holD yOur hand
6th Day of Advent
WHiTe oUts, bLind sPots
BliNding lights
YOu got to KEep waLking
PAss Go
I KNew SomEone aFflicted wIth eRased
Places wHere she OnCe thOught sHe
knEw wHAt weNt in tHat pLaCe
ONLy sHe foUnd hErSelf in an ArroYo
WiTh wAter raging, dragGing heR aLong
I shouTed
KEep walKing
The Lord gOnna keeP you drY
The LOrd gOnna wAlk with You
You goNna wAlk riGht thRough that wAter
MIght not SeeM liKe it
JUsT hold oUt your hAnd
LOrd goNna holD yOur hand
6th Day of Advent
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