Today David Ortiz hit his 500th homer, I packed six boxes of books, I gave fifty books to the library for the library sale, and we emptied the loft. I saved sixteen books to take with me to our " short term" rental. The loft has been emptied out. Now on to the second floor. We need to keep track of where all our boxes and pictures are stored. Without a " map" we won't find our gear.
Today I realized that I'd almost rather rid myself of many things instead of packing them. Away with all the extraneous. Simplify, simplify.
I'm set to go through all photo albums and trim down the redundant snapshots. How many photos do I need of spindrift or lava balls?
Even with all my hacking away the stack of packed boxes grows. I guess I must become more ruthless when it comes down to leaving a light footprint.
" Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints."
-- Chief Seattle
Today I realized that I'd almost rather rid myself of many things instead of packing them. Away with all the extraneous. Simplify, simplify.
I'm set to go through all photo albums and trim down the redundant snapshots. How many photos do I need of spindrift or lava balls?
Even with all my hacking away the stack of packed boxes grows. I guess I must become more ruthless when it comes down to leaving a light footprint.
" Take nothing but memories, leave nothing but footprints."
-- Chief Seattle
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