Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Who Am I?

A prophet angers us by rejecting
our euphemisms and ripping off our disguises.
Run With the Horses. -- Eugene H. Peterson

Jeremiah , Peterson says, does just that. But, don't we all inhabit some disguise? Don't we all accommodate differing audiences? Video games encourage participants to create avatars.

I wouldn't wear my hardscrabble appearing jeans to church save to clean-up weekend.

It's the essential person beneath the exterior that can't keep changing like a chameleon. Do we say one thing and mean another? Do we roll out platitudes without thinking about what we're saying? Some politicians change their basic beliefs depending upon their constituency. These can be corrosive encounters for those who hear the changes.

Yet, to have my disguises ripped off instead of a gentle reproof.


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