Friday, February 06, 2015

A Plan

It's true.

Too much snow and cold weather affects my reading habits. Until now I've never read a vampire novel save for Dracula when I was in college.

I've succumbed and blame it all on snow, ice, and a bucket on the closet floor-- at the ready.

Someone on a blog wrote that she was on Book 6 in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. She suggested that vampire novels brighten cold snowy days.

I downloaded the first book in the series and immediately began reading. I rather like the vampire. He seems rather congenial, even friendly.

You can tell that my taste is eclectic. In between romping with the vampire, I'm reading a Bible commentary.

Add a latte from Starbucks, unsalted peanuts, pistachio halavah, and goat cheese on rice crackers and I'm into another space.


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