Thursday, January 15, 2015


I recently subscribed to the digital edition of the Washington Post because I wanted to be aware of the tomfoolery in our government. In less that two weeks I am astounded by the bickering, infighting, small mindedness, and lack of any ability to work together.

The GOP will be fascinating to watch as the conservatives vie for the upper hand and the moderates beat up on each other.

Who is in and who is out? What will the court do? And who wants what from whom?

Why, I ask myself, do I desire to read about a dysfunctional group? That's a good question, but I still have hope. Who knows Warren may push aside, gently of course, Clinton. Or I can observe Warren taking on the big boys.

The democrats are also skewered when that action is necessary.

All in all it was a wise purchase.It satisfies my desire to eavesdrop on the government. And the puzzle is also quite good.

I do like The Globe for their local news, sports, and puzzle. Also where else can I find out where to eat?


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