Tuesday, December 23, 2014


I recently, this evening, received an email about a project to purchase Google ads on the Internet. The ads would be scriptural verses. When someone read the verse and clicked the words they'd end up in a place where free Bible material as well as information was available.

Ad space requires a fair amount of money -- therefore a request for donations. $20.00 means "10,000 verses will be shared".

" In the last two weeks 2,000,000 verses have been shared."

This is a legitimate group applying modern technology to evangelism.

I recall Bible tracts in the subway stations and the bathrooms of public places, but you could walk right by or pick up the tract and read the words.

Goggle ads, like unwanted guests, appear even if we don't like the product. Politicians buy air time and often spend time throwing darts at opponents.

We are a society being bombarded with advertisements to purchase an item or follow a new regimen to improve health, flatten your tummy, or start all over.

So why does buying ad space for scripture feel different? It does. It seems like a intrusion into someone's space. Uninvited.

Yet, I do believe the listed verses. But there's something uncomfortable about the whole project.


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