Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The White Elephant Departs


After a dozen phone calls and two package pick-ups that didn't happen, I began to believe that our large package might become a permanent fixture. While Macy's and UPS engaged in a tête-à-tête of misunderstandings, I started to conjure up ways to come to grips with the unwanted microwave hidden within its two boxes.

Perhaps I could turn it into a coffee table or a small table for dining.

My daydream was interrupted by the sound of a truck.Someone dropped a package from L.L. Bean at our front door.

A UPS man was retreating back to his truck-- at a fast clip.

" Wait.", I yelled.

" I'm supposed to pick up a package, but they didn't give me the exact address."

" It's right here," I said. And we showed him the behemoth. He grabbed it and ran off, but not before saying, " You got me just in time."

They only have three minutes a delivery. Someday I'll need to find out how that delivery time is tracked.

There's a lesson to learn here. Only buy something you can carry. Simplify. You don't need most of what you think you need. Disorganization is rampant. How does our government operate? And what do I do in less than three minutes?


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