Saturday, October 18, 2014

National November Writing Month

To decide to participate or not participate--

On November 1st thousands of writers, either professed or want to be, will begin writing and counting. In 2013 over 400,000 people participated in the NaNoWrMo marathon -- complete a 50,000 word novel in thirty days. I did it once and never tried again. Each day a computer counter added up the words I wrote and gave me a count. Nose to the grindstone and with no discoverable plot I plodded along.

Several characters lost their way and became entangled in a labyrinth of forgotten facts and altered circumstances. Conflicts arose that I hadn't anticipated and one character left the page.

Recently, and since I had participated before, information began to arrive in my gmail account. Guidelines for completion, ways to prepare, reminders to associate with my local group, pep talks-- all to entice participation. I could even purchase a completion T-Shirt early as an incentive.

I admit to framing my first, and only, completion certificate. I hung it up for a month and then put it away.

" Was it any good?"
" What do you intend to do with your 50,245 words?"
" If it's just a meandering list of words, why did you continue?"

Two approaches to this journey are suggested.

One of the many organizers suggests that you "Plan ahead with an outline."
Another of the many organizers suggests that you. " Wing it."

Of course I could enter the November PAD race. Each day another poetry prompt appears and my task-- write a poem. Sometimes there's a specific form. It's less daunting.

Ah the vicissitudes of life.


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