Friday, August 08, 2014


My wireless keyboard refuses to connect with my IPad. A small box asks me if the keyboard is on and within range. Affirmative. The green light on the keyboard keeps blinking -- looking for a mate, but to no avail.

No on and off switch tells me with certainty that the keyboard is on or off, but I expect blinking indicates that the poor thing is seeking companionship. Winking in the dark.

The touch keyboard is only too happy to appear.

Will the blinking continue until the poor thing wrings out every ounce of battery life?

Is this a case of jealousy? I admit that I was seated on a comfortable chair with the IPad on my lap. Using my keyboard wasn't possible so I resorted to the touch screen.

After thirty unproductive minutes I give up and remove the batteries from the wireless keyboard.

This is a case of Unrequited love?


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