Depends Upon Whom You Ask
How much water does an 18-hole golf course use? Depends upon where you live. Depends upon who is doing the figuring.
Isn’t that often the answer to a question? Who is answering and do they have an agenda. And who is framing the question?
If our agendas differ we’ll have a response that is in concert with our ideas. Recently I’ve been reading a number of Op Ed pieces about the Middle East. Each writer, each editorial, makes a case for their opinion—sometimes leaving out salient facts or highlighting specific facts.
Even when everyone agrees on a problem—the solutions may differ—often drastically. The drought in the Colorado Basin area is not conjecture. The lower water level of Lake Mead is a reality. The use of ground water is a reality.
So how much water does an 18-hole golf course use?
Who is going to decide on regulations? How will allocations of water be determined?
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