Thursday, July 31, 2014

Too Much

Behind the times.
Unaware of what’s new.
How did it happen that I found out about new” things, or “new” trends years after their inception? This not knowing “what’s in” follows me around.

Two days ago I read a blog post mentioning Discardia. Another word I thought that developed airs. When I tried finding the word in the OED or Urban Dictionary—no listing.

Then I googled Discardia and found that the term has morphed into a cult like following. There’s a book, a blog, a huge following, even a holiday created by the author of a book.

It means more life, less stuff. However, if you search around on the Internet —discardia, in Latin, is associated with Discordia. Someone wrote a book about Discordia as the epitome of chaos.

So I guess it works this way—too much stuff may plummet a person into a chaotic state. In order to avoid that discard the unnecessary.

“Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand; instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your thumb nail.”
—Henry Thoreau

I once owned a Simplicity, Simplicity, Simplicity button. I do wonder if the Discardia group sells buttons.

It’s all good.


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