Monday, July 28, 2014


It's difficult to know what to believe. Each side tells its own version of the truth, often eliminating those parts that won't fit into their world view. Why, I ask, don't you say this or that? And yet I know the answer—the fit.

Pick up a newspaper—read the Op Ed pieces, the editorials. Yes, they are here or there and also state facts, facts that support their bias.

It's frightening when people read a news article from a source obviously willing to distort facts, or make unverified statements, and they gulp down the entire piece.

When we vilify a group based upon half-truths, distortions or complete fabrications or when only those parts helpful to a particular point of view are stated we set the stage for a frightening scenario.

Let's all be wary of accepting as dogma distorted views. The distorted view isn't content with just leaving out some facts. It paints the other as consumed with evil intentions.

As readers let's be aware of who is telling the story and if we're not sure let's not pass on the story. Let's not enter into partnership with purposefully distorted reporting.


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