Tuesday, May 20, 2014

The Problem With Words

I must be getting old or too old for some of what I read on the Internet?

Am I a fossil because I think that the English language contains a plethora of words to describe myriad situations?

On Sunday I drove into Harvard Square and found myself mired in gridlock. At some point, because of my hesitancy, I missed the green light and inherited the lead car position when the traffic light turned red. To my right a street fed into Mass Ave. The drivers and their cars all poised and ready to sprint-- lest I showed any glimmer of indecision.

Just then the sound of a fire engine pierced the sound barrier.

"Where was this behemoth?"

We looked in the rear view mirror, but saw nothing?

Then I heard someone yell, "Move your f---ing car."

I moved. After the fire engine passed and the remaining din consisted of several honks and a few screeched brakes a car, going way too fast, wove in and out of traffic yelling, " Get your.....out if here."

The language he used made the first shout pale by comparison.

Now an acquaintance, who loves science, posts items on a website called I love f---ing science.

Maybe I'm a prude or worship at the feet of the OED.


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