Tuesday, May 13, 2014


When a group of people selected the loveliest words in the English dictionary cacophony didn't make anyone's list. Actually it is on one list— the list of Literary Devices.

As a writer, if you use strong abrupt words that jar and have dissonant sounds and create an uncomfortable setting then you are utilizing the literary device of cacophony.

If you contrast the loveliest sounding words with a list of harsh, ugly sounding words— then cacophony is often selected, as is unctuous.

Yet, cacophony—with its hard k sounds—is the only word to describe the flock of wild turkeys. I don't know if a rafter of domesticated turkeys carry on in the same loud rambunctious manner.

This morning six turkeys—four males—settled down in front of our house. Even with the windows closed their sounds penetrated into every room.

A cacophony.


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