Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Potlucks of the Past

Potluck, that peculiar meal where everyone brings something and you hope for a melding of taste. Or you may delight in a wild array of fanciful dishes.

My book group held a once a year potluck. Despite dividing the twenty people into appetizer, main dishes, salads and desserts we always managed to find people migrating from their assignment. After several years it became apparent-- lasagna, in it's various guises, appeared frequently.

One year a number of people requested that we mention the " please don't cook items" or if you must cook them include a label so that those who eschewed sugar, dairy, any animal with eyes, and whatever was being boycotted that moment-- anywhere in the world will know what to avoid.

The lasagnas kept coming, but now we had the tofu variety.


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