Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Words and Pictures

This is the year of movies—at least for me. Is it a plethora of good movies or am I am in the mood to be transported visually?

There's something about a visual representation of a story that totally envelopes you, but there's something about a book that makes you an active participant.

Read a book and enter into the story—if the writer knows how to create those places of entrance. See a movie and be moved by the story, empathize with a character—hope for an ending that makes sense, not Hollywood sense.

Sometimes the way a landscape is portrayed in words makes me yearn for the place and I don't need or want to see it in anything but words. The words create such a visceral image that the reality may even blunt my picture.

Then there are scenes in a movie that portray a landscape so deeply that words would crowd out the scene.

It's good that it doesn't need to be an either or —


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