Read On
I want to read all the books mentioned in the Tournament of Books—but probably won't get to all of them before the Tournament ends— which coincides with college basketball's March Madness Tournament.
The list of tournament books is an introduction to several authors not on my radar.
Then there's the mystery maven who lists books that are written by authors who may or may not be household names—more books to read.
Today I read several reviews of books that look so fascinating that I immediately requesting them from my library consortium.
Of course a shelf in my bookcase contains the "to be read books" I own. Why then do I keep adding more books to the pile? How can I miss reading about the history of the crossword puzzle or any of the other books on my must read list?
I am in the process of creating a perfect reading day—up early and walk for two miles. Breakfast with the paper—shower, dress and sit down for an hour to read—walk for twenty minutes—read for another hour—and keep this pattern going. Meals of frozen left overs. More reading until bedtime.
Dream of the characters populating my landscape, solve enigmas posed, catch the criminals—and write a few reviews.
That's one way to make a dent in the pile.
The list of tournament books is an introduction to several authors not on my radar.
Then there's the mystery maven who lists books that are written by authors who may or may not be household names—more books to read.
Today I read several reviews of books that look so fascinating that I immediately requesting them from my library consortium.
Of course a shelf in my bookcase contains the "to be read books" I own. Why then do I keep adding more books to the pile? How can I miss reading about the history of the crossword puzzle or any of the other books on my must read list?
I am in the process of creating a perfect reading day—up early and walk for two miles. Breakfast with the paper—shower, dress and sit down for an hour to read—walk for twenty minutes—read for another hour—and keep this pattern going. Meals of frozen left overs. More reading until bedtime.
Dream of the characters populating my landscape, solve enigmas posed, catch the criminals—and write a few reviews.
That's one way to make a dent in the pile.
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