Thursday, January 30, 2014

Keep it Simple

Cooking is fine, clean-up seems too arduous
What is there about some tasks that tire you out before you even begin? I don't mind mindless tasks—sometimes. You cook, people eat and you start over again.

Recently I've taken to watching cooking shows while I walk on the treadmill. I now cut an onion properly. I've bought a long knife with a sharp edge — the better to slice and dice. I try and hold vegetables with the tips of my fingers as I slice.

Some shows are too convoluted for me. I don't want to see four pots on the stove, a blender filled with ingredients, and utensils strewn all over my cutting board. French cooking remains too complex, too buttery.

The vegan show is more my style. Today I discovered how to cook pecan pie with most of the usual ingredients left out. A crust was made out of ten dates mixed with rolled oats and assorted spices. Since dates also went into the filling I wondered if my stomach could tolerate that diet.

Perhaps I am enamored with the kitchen gadgets. Who knew that every task in the kitchen has a gadget that enables you to do the task faster—better—more professionally. Of course that means another item to wash.

Next week I'm going to learn how to create flowers out of vegetables. All I need is my knife. One item to wash. That's the right direction for my culinary future.


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