Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Drop

In New York City heralding a new year by watching a ball descend has been around since 1907. The Times Square drop was initially lowered by brute strength—six men used a rope and a stopwatch to lower the ball. Today a laser atomic clock keeps time so the ball's descent is accurate.

According to the Huffington Post this year 2,688 Waterford Crystal triangles will create a "kaleidoscope" of dynamic colors.

It will take 32,256 LEDs to illuminate the ball.

Statisticians estimate that over one billion people all over the globe will watch the release of the ball from its stationary position.

Despite growing up in New York City I never went down to Times Square—but I do applaud those brave souls who stand in the cold for hours to watch the old transition into the new.

Happy New Year to all.


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