Friday, November 22, 2013

In An Ending Is a Beginning

Winter approaches and I stack up on books, art classes, photo exercises, and exercise DVDS. I want to be prepared to weather out a storm or a day when the wind chill plunges us into an arctic freeze.

The metal peacock changes his landscape from the deck to the slab of stone in front of the loft fireplace. The colorful metal frog hides under a table.

We're ready. Leaves blown out of the gutters in anticipation of snow.

It's not that I hunker down, but I do find myself becoming a bit more meditative. I find that the shorter days act as a metaphor for our lives. Time keeps pushing my boundaries, refusing to
change it's pace.

My mother impressed upon me the need to respond , if not immediately-- whether it was an invitation, a get well card, a congratulations card, or a response to a letter.

How about those letters or phone calls asking for forgiveness? By the time one gets around to the letter it may be too late-- figuratively or literally.

Winter is a time to release the collection of "didn't 't have time" to dos. Watching the darkness descend I think of endings and beginnings. There are beginnings embedded in endings.


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