Saturday, November 02, 2013

"An Iced Coffee" please

The new coffee shop in town pulls in the crowd for opening day. The menu includes vegan items and gluten free bread. A veggie blender mixes up healthy options-- apple and beet juice. I didn't note if they mixed in spirulina.

In one corner a couch and three comfortable chairs add that funky look. Instead of lights to read by lights are dim; probably good for the theme nights. They haven 't released a listing of events.

The older coffee shop looks deserted. We all love what's new. It's not that the old place is run down and only offers a menu of melted cheese and peanut butter sandwiches. And both places feature WIFI.

Who hasn't picked up the pristine book and ignored the highlighted copy? Yet who wouldn't want to read the marginalia left by a thoughtful reader?

Too often our society discards the old for something shiny and new-- no scratches. No graffiti.

Street artists in Tunisia challenge the regime. Egyptian street artists document the conditions in the country. We expunge graffiti because it defaces property. Sometimes what we are covering is social commentary.

Perhaps in time each place will have a particular following--

Meanwhile there's something to be said about loyalty.


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