Monday, October 07, 2013

The Release of Words of Praise

Take words with you
and return to the Lord.
--Hosea 14:2

The leaves are full
and busy with the sun.
--Richard Wilbur

Which words?
Do I wrap myself in words,
—a sari of syllables
draped around
my shoulders.
Are my words enough?
Will they sound empty,
a hollow ring, an echo
of lost repetitions?

Will the years of the locust
be restored if I find the right
words? What more is required?

I look outside
and see the leaves
full and busy with the sun—
I scoop up handfuls
until I wear leaves.
They settle on my shoes
in my hair, between my fingers.

These are the words I sought—
and I turn and tumble in the leaves
Right now that is enough—
I will start with a few words
and begin to walk


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