Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Blogger Asks a Question

A blogger recently put out a prompt titled —RELEASE ME.

She encouraged writers to write about a blog post that was difficult to set free, to release into that super highway— and then how it felt.

Odd, but I imagine readers out there—not responding, but reading my posts. I know that because of my Blog stats. What does someone in Mongolia think of my pieces? And who is reading my release pieces in Russia? Does anything I write resonate?

I have lines I won't cross— not because of language, or fear, or putting myself in less than favorable light—but because it's not my story to tell.

In the beginning of my release pieces I stood at a distance, but as time gets closer to January 6th, the first piece, I find the distance changing between the reader and myself. I'm trying to arrive at some end point—a quasi epiphany—an opening up into an understanding, a realization, a revelation— a disclosure.

Will those last pieces be difficult to post? How will I know until I eventually read what I write.


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