Saturday, July 27, 2013


Ronald Reagan garnered my appreciation when in 1984 he designated July as National Ice Cream Month. I missed National Ice Cream Day which is the third Sunday of July.

Frozen Yogurt may or may not be included . I guess that it depends upon who is determining what goes in and what stays out. Since they were initially created as an alternative to ice cream, the admission of frozen desserts may open the door for gelato, sorbet, snow cones, frozen custard, soy ice cream and sherbet.

I remember my mother buying me a Dixie Cup ice cream at Mr. Mancetti's corner candy store. When he handed you your Dixie Cup and wood spoon he always said, " Don't bite the spoon or you'll get a splinter in your tongue."

I'd sit on the stoop, take the lid off the cup, lick the ice cream off the lid and hope to find a new cowboy picture on the lid bottom. My favorite picture was of Roy Rogers. Every year Dixie released a few new movie star lids. I really wanted to collect two Roy Rogers, one to bring to school and one to put on my pillow.

Now I eat frozen yogurt, but I'm ok if the celebration this month is reserved for ice cream. Some day we'll have our own month.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dave loved it! He said to tell you in New England the ice cups were Hoodsies and there were Red Sox players underneath the lids!

Great reflection! Have you tried Reasons to be Cheerful?

Marcia and Dave

July 28, 2013  

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