Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Writing a Newsletter Release for a Workshop

Faith is what someone knows to be true,
Whether they believe it or not.
--Flannery O'Connor

Do you write? Want to write?

Muriel Rukeyser said, "The world is made of stories not atoms." imagine all the stories left to tell when we read scripture. Between the words are gaps, spaces ready for our stories. In Ruth we read that Ruth and Naomi left Moab and traveled to Bethlehem, but all we know of their travels is contained in one line, "So the two women went until they came to Bethlehem."

Imagine a conversation between Hagar and Sarah or imagine that you are Lot's wife. Wherever spaces exist we can create stories-- insert ourselves into the spaces.

Flannery O'Connor said that every story she wrote was about redemption and grace, yet many of her short stories never mention either. The story itself was the conveyer.

Perhaps you want to write a spiritual memoir, a psalm, a prayer, a hymn or even a short story.

We're open to all types of writing-- poetry, lyric essays, short prose pieces, interior monologues, joint ventures. Just bring a pen and paper and a willingness to play with words.


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