Wednesday, May 22, 2013


According to an Associated Press item, "...a lightning-fast pigeon became the most expensive racing bird when his Belgian breeder sold it for $400,000 to a Chinese businessman."

When I grew up in the Bronx you often saw pigeon coops on the roofs of apartment buildings. Races weren't as organized and expensive—sometimes all you won was bragging rights.

Today, according to an article in The New York Times, Pigeon racers " spend as much as $10,000 in entry fees..." That doesn't include the upkeep, medication, travel to race venues, vitamins. To aficionados pigeon racing is more exacting and complicated than horse racing.

As a youngster I recall going up to the roof of one building and watching two men taking care of their coop. One of the men introduced me to Millie and Moshe who looked like the pigeons we saw on the street. "Millie and Moshe can find their way back home from Coney Island—even further."

"Last week we released them from our friend's roof in Bensonhurst and then raced them home to the Bronx. Moshe beat us."

In 2013 The Gulf Coast Homing Club will host the American Racing Pigeon Union Convention—which will include two races. According to their literature "These are the two most prestigious races in the country!"

And "Two of the absolute best pigeon vets have expressed the desire to share their knowledge," —one is from South Africa and the other from Belgium.

Several breeders expect to auction twenty world class birds. Who knows how high the bids will go!


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