Thursday, November 29, 2012

Crafts for Every Purpose

How many loop potholders are woven during the month of December? I do recall making dozens of them for sale—to my mother, grandmother and all their friends. I had a regular cottage industry going.

You can still buy the classic potholder loom and all those colorful loops. I wonder if they are still selling Creepy Crawler kits—although I don't think they make great items to sell.

My friend Myrna's mother knew how to Crochet Hat Shaped Toilet Tissue Covers, but I don't think she sold any to the neighbors. Myrna said she gifted them to relatives.


Blogger Cathy said...

I think they use the creepy crawler molds now to make gummy worms!

I think my daughter's potholder loom is buried up in the guest bedroom closet. I should wrap it for her for Christmas.

My aunt used to send us a homemade gift every year when we were children and we never could figure out exactly what the gift actually was or what to do with it. Wish I still had some of them.

December 05, 2012  

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